Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The doing part of internet safety:
For this part of the unit i went and talked with my brother and his wife who have two pre-teens and a six year old. all of their children are very computer savvy. My brother knows how to work a computer better then most and his wife is the exact opposite. i just talked to them about the importance of internet safety and what precautions they can do to keep their children out of harms way. for the most part they already knew a lot about what i was saying. they kept their computer in an open spot in the house they had net nanny to kept adult site from popping up on the tv and they also regulated the amount of free time each child got on the computer. there was one area that i feel i was able to help them in that was dealing with social networking. there oldest son who is 13 wants to get facebook. they were really hesitant about letting him do that. i talk with them about the article Dr. Graham wrote and about presiding. i also talked with them about slowly easing their child into it and closely monitoring the activity until the child and parent felt comfortable about the situation. over all i thought that this was a positive experience for all involved.

Monday, April 6, 2009





1. Our biggest challenge related to the media? We need to choose wisely with what we are listening and watching. There are so many options out their it can be overwhelming
2. Guide lines from church leaders: 1. We need to hold family councils and decide what our media standards are going to be.2. We need to spend enough quality time with our children that we are consistently the main influence in their lives, not the media or any peer group.3. We need to make good media choices ourselves and set good examples for our children.4. We need to limit the amount of time our children watch TV or play video games or use the Internet each day. Virtual reality must not become their reality. 5. We need to use Internet filters and TV programming locks to prevent our children from “chancing upon” things they should not see. 6. We need to have TVs and computers in a much-used common room in the home, not in a bedroom or a private place. 7. We need to take time to watch appropriate media with our children and discuss with them how to make choices that will uplift and build rather than degrade and destroy.
3. We as teachers need to really watch what we say. Words can be really powerful in influencing children. If a child says that they watched some movie that we thought was violent we can say that we didn’t like it and give the reasons why. Also make sure that every thing that you show in your classroom is fitting with in the Lords standards.


1. Which of these guidelines do I follow: The computers are kept in high traffic areas. There are filtering programs on my computer. Avoiding public chat rooms. I just like to use the phone and email.
2. How might I share these guidelines: There is a lot of teaching in these guidelines I have not done any of those. I can share these guidelines by teaching family members these guidelines


1. What experiences have I had at home with protecting and providing?: My parents were so good at making sure that we did not just hangout on the computer or Nintendo to pass the time. We had a half an hour unless it was for school work. My parents were also really great at explaining the why’s behind the rules so that we could understand.
2. What ideas do I have to implement in my own home: I thought that is was such a good idea to not cut kids off completely with facebook and such but give them boundaries. I also feel that it is really important to be in the know. Know what my kids are doing and research what they are doing.

An Ensign to the Nations. A Light to the World By Gordon B. Hinckly

You face tremendous temptation. It comes at you in the halls of popular entertainment, on the Internet, in the movies, on television, in cheap literature, and in other ways—subtle, titillating, and difficult to resist. Peer pressure may be almost overpowering. But, my dear young friends, you must not give in. You must be strong. You must take the long look ahead rather than succumbing to the present seductive temptation.”


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My techno lesson

For my lesson i used a projector and a video camera.  my class was putting on a play for the other first grade classes i video taped their performance then put that video onto a dvd and show it to my students.  before i showed them the movie i read the book how to put on a play.  in this book they talked about all the different parts of a play and the hard work that goes into putting on a play.  i related what they students did to the technical words that come with being in a play such as rehearsal ect... then we watched them movie.  when we were finished watching i had them write in their journal about their play experience.  

Monday, March 16, 2009

Techno in the class-o

In my car pool this morning i asked everyone what they were going to be doing for their technology lesson we for the most part were stumped.  there is not a whole lot of technology available at our school.  if i were do do something with technology i would i would probably use the projector to watch something instructional or that helps us learn a lesson that i am trying to teach.  I am helping teach a unit on shapes i would show a bunch of different clips of different shapes in the community.  this would show the students that shapes are everywhere and that they aren't not just something you can draw, they are apart of every day life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well i thought that it was really interesting to do the technology innovatory.  Being in this class (ipt287) i thought that schools must have changed a ton.  that they were really far a long and advance and that all my beliefs about technology in the schools were all wrong.  but it turns out that they were not that far off to begin with. 

when i went to school we had one computer that that had some games but we mostly went their for keyboarding and a few other things.  the internet was just starting then and for the most part went to slow so that was only used every once and awhile.  in my school (no they are not as getto as my school but they are not so fancy as i had thought they would be) they have two computer labs one just for keyboarding and one for the internet, word, ect... there are no computers in the class besides the one for the teacher.  their is a projector for each grade level which i was surprised about but other then that things were as i had suspected.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

google earth tour

check out my awesome google earth tour in my links column

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


TPACK for our virtual tour. The state content i am going to be using is for third grade standard i objective 2 indicator a: describe the major world ecosystems. they are going to be looking up the ecosystems on google earth. I have set up a virtual tour that will take them through the United States where they are going to be able to view the different ecosystems and understand and see why they are different. They will also be able to look up why it is that way and what makes it so. this is good for the kids because they stay engaged in the learning process and they are able to really see and understand the differences in the different ecosystems.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

virtual tour plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. The first location they are going to visit is the Great Basin Desert.In the Great Basin they are going to find look at pictures and see what is living and growing there.

The students are going to be looking at a Wikipedia entry and picture of the Great Basin
2. Then they are going to move to the Rocky Mountainhere they are going to be viewing the mt. s and viewing them in 3dThey will be using different tools in google earth to get a better view and a clearer picture of what the rocky Mts are
3. After that they are going to move on to the tropics of HawaiiThey will compare what they see here of the ecosystem and how it differs from the two previous places.They will up load a picture of the tropics and view National Geographic entry.
4. Their final destination will be in the Unita Forest. What is the different vegetation growing in the forest verses the desert. Here they are going to view the forest in 3D to really get a sense of what it looks like.

Details of image overlay / path / polygon:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


so for our storybook project we are focusing on poetry. this is good for all grade grade levels. all children need to learn and be exposed to poetry. it is good for them it hear it, read it, and speak it. it helps them with fluency, vocabulary, reading proficiency, art skills, and performance. the technology that we will be using is story board. the students would pick a poem that they find interesting they will read it a couple of times and figure out how they want to present it artistically. once they do this they will write a storyboard which is part of the drafting process. then they will come up with the actual art to express the meaning of the poem and use story board to put it in perfect form. in this form they will read the poem with the art they have made and record themselves.

Story time

My story board layout. just you wait for the real deal

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


the content we are focusing on in our science project is us learning how to create heat with friction and how lubricating the object will keep the heat down. in order to explore this scientific content are we are using the pedagogical tool of exploring and experimenting instead of just being told what will happen. it is hands on and can be more interesting. and this is how real scientist work. they are almost always dealing with hand on experiments and not just being told what is going to happen. it helps kids discover like scientists discover. we used the probes in our experiment to get an accurate reading and and the accurate reading shows of the graph and gives the kids a visual of what they are doing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

me and ms crego starting our tech savvy experiment

The Tech Savvy Teacher
Ms. Crego and Ms. Bryson

Our project is designed for third grade students, and addresses the Utah State Core Curricular Standard 5 Objective 3, which states “demonstrate that heat may be produced when objects are rubbed against one another.” For our scientific experience, we will be using a temperature probe, lotion, carpet, cloth, and our hands to show how heat is produced when objects are rubbed against one another. In a third grade classroom, you could introduce this lesson activity by having students visualize sliding down a slide with water and without water, and what they think the difference would be.
For each of the items, we took the initial temperature of the objects, and then produced friction for thirty seconds and took the final temperature of the objects. We started off with rubbing our hands together to produce friction, and then produced friction with rubbing our lotioned hands together. Next, we rubbed two pieces of cloth together to produce heat, and then put water on the cloth and rubbed it together. We thoroughly tested the Utah State Objective because we tested the differences in heat between rubbing un-lubricated and lubricated objects together.
The technology of using the temperature probe helps kids in many different ways. It helps teach kids to compare things and events with the visual reading of the temperature with non-lubricated objects and lubricated objects, as well learning how to read initial and final temperatures in appropriate units. They use their observation to conduct reasonable explanations for what has occurred with the temperature. The temperature probe is an easy way for kids to get an accurate reading, and the Logger Pro application helps students to graph the temperature changes as well. This method of technology is very useful in a science classroom, and fun for kids to use too

ms crego lubricating her hands to cut friction          


                        Ms bryson creating 
                        heat between cloth

taking a temp. of a wet cloth 


a graph showing our

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


this week in class we learned about TPACK and how it relates to teachers and and the potential it can have in the classroom.  tpack is when you are incorporating in technology, content knowledge, and teaching schools.  tpack is just trying to make sure that a teacher has all the tools to make sure that they are using all of their resources so that kids can get the most of their education.  this week in class we also were exposed to a few different science technologies that you could easily use in your classroom.  i was really loving all that we learned about.  but i was loving the probes.  i think that kids can really love touching the probe to something and see the tempature changing with a graph right in front of you.  i was loving it and im sure little kids would love it.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rss will be a great tool that i will use in my classroom. i will be able to get at useful information really quick so that i do not waste my students or my time. Also the rss feed can keep me closely tided to co-workers in my school and district. it will help me keep updated with the best sources and information.
Also in class we learned about delicious and good reads. i am so excited to to expand my horizon with these new resources. it will also be so great to be connected to fellow school teachers that will know what kinds of things can be useful in a classroom.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

my techno experience

Well i do not have much experience with technology. i have a computer and i use it but i do not go to deep. i did take a web design class in high school but it wasn't too intense.