Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well i thought that it was really interesting to do the technology innovatory.  Being in this class (ipt287) i thought that schools must have changed a ton.  that they were really far a long and advance and that all my beliefs about technology in the schools were all wrong.  but it turns out that they were not that far off to begin with. 

when i went to school we had one computer that that had some games but we mostly went their for keyboarding and a few other things.  the internet was just starting then and for the most part went to slow so that was only used every once and awhile.  in my school (no they are not as getto as my school but they are not so fancy as i had thought they would be) they have two computer labs one just for keyboarding and one for the internet, word, ect... there are no computers in the class besides the one for the teacher.  their is a projector for each grade level which i was surprised about but other then that things were as i had suspected.  

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