Wednesday, February 18, 2009

virtual tour plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. The first location they are going to visit is the Great Basin Desert.In the Great Basin they are going to find look at pictures and see what is living and growing there.

The students are going to be looking at a Wikipedia entry and picture of the Great Basin
2. Then they are going to move to the Rocky Mountainhere they are going to be viewing the mt. s and viewing them in 3dThey will be using different tools in google earth to get a better view and a clearer picture of what the rocky Mts are
3. After that they are going to move on to the tropics of HawaiiThey will compare what they see here of the ecosystem and how it differs from the two previous places.They will up load a picture of the tropics and view National Geographic entry.
4. Their final destination will be in the Unita Forest. What is the different vegetation growing in the forest verses the desert. Here they are going to view the forest in 3D to really get a sense of what it looks like.

Details of image overlay / path / polygon:

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