Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My techno lesson

For my lesson i used a projector and a video camera.  my class was putting on a play for the other first grade classes i video taped their performance then put that video onto a dvd and show it to my students.  before i showed them the movie i read the book how to put on a play.  in this book they talked about all the different parts of a play and the hard work that goes into putting on a play.  i related what they students did to the technical words that come with being in a play such as rehearsal ect... then we watched them movie.  when we were finished watching i had them write in their journal about their play experience.  

Monday, March 16, 2009

Techno in the class-o

In my car pool this morning i asked everyone what they were going to be doing for their technology lesson we for the most part were stumped.  there is not a whole lot of technology available at our school.  if i were do do something with technology i would i would probably use the projector to watch something instructional or that helps us learn a lesson that i am trying to teach.  I am helping teach a unit on shapes i would show a bunch of different clips of different shapes in the community.  this would show the students that shapes are everywhere and that they aren't not just something you can draw, they are apart of every day life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well i thought that it was really interesting to do the technology innovatory.  Being in this class (ipt287) i thought that schools must have changed a ton.  that they were really far a long and advance and that all my beliefs about technology in the schools were all wrong.  but it turns out that they were not that far off to begin with. 

when i went to school we had one computer that that had some games but we mostly went their for keyboarding and a few other things.  the internet was just starting then and for the most part went to slow so that was only used every once and awhile.  in my school (no they are not as getto as my school but they are not so fancy as i had thought they would be) they have two computer labs one just for keyboarding and one for the internet, word, ect... there are no computers in the class besides the one for the teacher.  their is a projector for each grade level which i was surprised about but other then that things were as i had suspected.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

google earth tour

check out my awesome google earth tour in my links column